Interested in Drupal 8 and need Drush on your VPS or Server?
If you’re interested in investigating Drupal 8 and wish to use Drush, you’ll find that Drush 7.x+ is a requirement of Drupal 8. If you have an earlier version or are installing Drush for the first time on a CentOS 6/CPanel environment, these simple instructions will get Drush up and running.
Composer is a requirement. Check to see if it’s installed.
SSH into your site’s hosting account.
user@host $composer –version
Install the latest version of Drush:
user@host $ cd ~/
user@host $ composer global require drush/drush:dev-master
Once Composer finishes you’ll need to setup bash to recognize the install by adding an alias to your ~/.bash_profile or ~./bashrc file. You can use vim, nano, or an editor of your choice. The examples below assume .bash_profile. Substitute .bashrc if setting the alias in that file.
user@host $ nano ~/.bash_profile
Add this to your .bash_profile:
alias drush=”~/.composer/vendor/bin/drush”
You may receive a “command not found” error if testing Drush. In that case, register the alias with bash:
user@host $ source ~/.bash_profile
Check to see if Drush is working.
user@host $ drush status
Look for “Drush version” in the results and you’re good to go.